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DiatomBase source details

Mereschkowsky, C. (1903). Uber Placoneis, ein neues Diatomeen-Genus. Beihefte zum Botanischen Centralblatt, 15(1): 1-30, pl. 1.
Mereschkowsky, C.
Uber Placoneis, ein neues Diatomeen-Genus.
Beihefte zum Botanischen Centralblatt
15(1): 1-30, pl. 1.
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2017-03-13 11:28:02Z

Clevamphora C. Mereschkowsky, 1903 (original description)
Navicula balliformis Mereschkowsky, 1903 (original description)
Navicula subsalsa Mereschkowsky, 1903 (original description)
Placoneis C. Mereschkowsky, 1903 (original description)
Placoneis dicephala f. parva Mereschkowsky, 1903 (original description)
Placoneis dicephala var. dicephala Mereschkowsky, 1903 (original description)
Placoneis dicephala var. elginensis (Gregory) Mereschkowsky, 1903 accepted as Pinnularia elginensis Gregory, 1856 (new combination reference)
Placoneis dicephala var. subcapitata (Grunow) Mereschkowsky, 1903 accepted as Navicula dicephala var. subcapitata Grunow, 1882 (new combination reference)
Placoneis exigua (Gregory) Mereschkovsky, 1903 accepted as Pinnularia exigua W.Gregory, 1854 † (new combination reference)
Placoneis gastrum var. boryana (Pantocsek) Mereschkowsky, 1903 accepted as Navicula gastrum var. boryana Pantocsek, 1889 (new combination reference)
Placoneis gastrum var. exigua (Gregory) Mereschkowsky, 1903 accepted as Pinnularia exigua W.Gregory, 1854 † (new combination reference)
Placoneis gastrum var. gastrum (Ehrenberg) Mereschkowsky, 1903 accepted as Pinnularia gastrum Ehrenberg, 1843 (new combination reference)
Placoneis gastrum var. jenisseyensis (Grunow in Cleve & Grunow) Mereschkowsky, 1903 accepted as Navicula gastrum f. jenisseyensis Grunow in Cleve & Grunow, 1880 (new combination reference)
Placoneis gastrum var. latiuscula (Grunow in Cleve & Grunow) Mereschkowsky, 1903 accepted as Navicula gastrum var. latiuscula Grunow, 1880 (new combination reference)
Placoneis integra (W.Smith) Mereschkowsky, 1903 (original description)
Placoneis lundstroemii var. frieseana (Grunow in Cleve & Möller) Mereschkowsky, 1903 accepted as Cymbella frieseana Grunow in Cleve, 1881 (new combination reference)
Placoneis lundstroemii var. lundstroemii (Cleve in Cleve & Grunow) Mereschkowsky, 1903 accepted as Navicula lundstroemii var. lundstroemii Cleve in Cleve & Grunow, 1880 (new combination reference)
Placoneis mutica var. geoppertiana (Bleisch in Rabenhorst) Mereschkowsky, 1903 accepted as Stauroneis goeppertiana Bleisch ex Rabenhorst, 1861 (new combination reference)
Placoneis mutica var. legumen (Cleve) Mereschkowsky, 1903 accepted as Navicula mutica f. legumen Cleve, 1894 (new combination reference)
Placoneis mutica var. mutica (Kützing) Mereschkowsky, 1903 accepted as Navicula mutica f. mutica Kützing, 1844 (new combination reference)
Placoneis mutica var. peguana (Grunow in Cleve & Möller) Mereschkowsky, 1903 accepted as Navicula mutica var. peguana Grunow, 1894 (new combination reference)
Placoneis mutica var. producta (Cleve & Grunow) Mereschkowsky, 1902 accepted as Navicula mutica var. producta Grunow (new combination reference)
Placoneis mutica var. undulata Mereschkowsky, 1903 (original description)
Placoneis mutica var. ventricosa (Kützing) Mereschkowsky, 1903 accepted as Stauroneis ventricosa var. ventricosa Kützing, 1844 (new combination reference)
Placoneis placentula (Ehrenberg) Mereschkowsky, 1903 (new combination reference)
Placoneis protracta var. maxima (Cleve) Mereschkowsky, 1903 accepted as Navicula protracta var. maxima Cleve, 1894 (new combination reference)
Placoneis protracta var. protracta (Grunow in Cleve & Grunow) Mereschkowsky, 1903 accepted as Navicula crucicula var. protracta Grunow, 1880 (new combination reference)
Placoneis subinflata var. elliptica (Cleve) Mereschkowsky, 1903 accepted as Navicula subinflata var. elliptica Cleve, 1894 (new combination reference)
Placoneis subinflata var. subinflata (Grunow in Cleve & Möller) Mereschkowsky, 1903 accepted as Navicula subinflata var. subinflata Grunow in Cleve & Möller, 1882 (new combination reference)
Placoneis subsalsa var. minuta (Grunow) Mereschkowsky, 1903 (new combination reference)
Placoneis subsalsa var. obtusata (Grunow in Cleve & Grunow) Mereschkowsky, 1903 (new combination reference)
Placoneis subsalsa var. subsalsa Mereschkowsky, 1903 (original description)
Staurophora C. Mereschkowsky, 1903 (original description)
Staurophora gregorii Mereschkowsky, 1903 (original description)
Staurophora salina var. latior (Juhlin-Dannfelt) Mereschkowsky, 1903 accepted as Stauroneis salina var. latior Juhlin-Dannfelt, 1882 (new combination reference)
Staurophora salina var. salina (W. Smith) Mereschkowsky, 1903 accepted as Stauroneis salina f. salina W. Smith, 1853 (new combination reference)
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