Achnanthes neokisselevii VanLandingham, 1969 (original description)
Cymatopleura albaregiensis var. reducta (Cleve-Euler) Cleve-Euler according to VanLandingham, 1969 (taxonomy source)
Cymbella advena VanLandingham, 1969 (original description)
Cymbella cistula var. lacroixii (Lauby) VanLandingham, 1969 accepted as
Cymbella lacroixii Lauby, 1910 (new combination reference)
Cymbella cristata (Frenguelli) VanLandingham, 1969 accepted as
Encyonema cristatum Frenguelli, 1933 (new combination reference)
Cymbella mendosa VanLandingham, 1969 (new combination reference)
Cymbella mendosa f. apiculata (Hustedt) VanLandingham, 1969 (new combination reference)
Cymbella mendosa f. brevistriata (Hustedt) VanLandingham, 1969 accepted as
Cymbella subalpina f. brevistriata Hustedt, 1942 accepted as
Encyonopsis brevistriata (Hustedt) Krammer, 1997 (new combination reference)
Cymbella mendosa var. natalensis (Cholnoky) VanLandingham, 1969 accepted as
Cymbella subalpina var. natalensis Cholnoky, 1957 (new combination reference)
Cymbella naviculiformis f. minor (Musafarov) VanLandingham, 1969 accepted as
Cymbella naviculiformis var. minor Muzafarov, 1951 (new combination reference)
Cymbella neoprocera VanLandingham, 1969 (original description)
Cymbella patagonica (Frenguelli) VanLandingham, 1969 accepted as
Encyonema patagonicum Frenguelli, 1942 (new combination reference)
Cymbella problematica VanLandingham, 1969 (original description)
Cymbella triconfusa VanLandingham, 1969 (original description)
Cymbella tumida var. creguti (Heribaud) VanLandingham, 1969 accepted as
Cymbella creguti Héribaud, 1903 (new combination reference)
Cymbella turgida var. gracilis Hustedt in Schmidt, 1931 according to VanLandingham (original description)
Cymbella ventricosa var. lunata '(Ehrenberg) Meister' according to VanLandingham, 1912 (taxonomy source)
Cymbella wallaceana Hustedt, 1942 accepted as
Cymbella subturgida var. wallaceana Hustedt, 1942 (new combination reference)
Encyonema cristatum Frenguelli, 1933 (source of synonymy)
Epithemia pantocsekites S.L.Van Landingham (new combination reference)
Eunotia advena (Fusey) VanLandingham, 1969 (new combination reference)
Eunotia aenigma (Abdul-Majeed) VanLandingham, 1969 (new combination reference)
Eunotia camelus var. juga Frenguelli, 1933 accepted as
Eunotia juga Vouilloud & Kociolek, 2023 (source of synonymy)
Eunotia camelus var. juga f. major J.Frenguelli accepted as
Eunotia camelus var. juga Frenguelli, 1933 accepted as
Eunotia juga Vouilloud & Kociolek, 2023 (source of synonymy)
Eunotia camelus var. juga f. minor J.Frenguelli accepted as
Eunotia camelus var. juga Frenguelli, 1933 accepted as
Eunotia juga Vouilloud & Kociolek, 2023 (source of synonymy)
Eunotia camelus var. undulata Frenguelli, 1933 accepted as
Eunotia juga Vouilloud & Kociolek, 2023 (source of synonymy)
Eunotia camelus var. undulata f. major J.Frenguelli accepted as
Eunotia camelus var. undulata Frenguelli, 1933 accepted as
Eunotia juga Vouilloud & Kociolek, 2023 (source of synonymy)
Eunotia camelus var. undulata f. minor J.Frenguelli accepted as
Eunotia camelus var. undulata Frenguelli, 1933 accepted as
Eunotia juga Vouilloud & Kociolek, 2023 (source of synonymy)
Eunotia excepta S.L.VanLandingham (new combination reference)
Eunotia gracilis f. maxima Frenguelli, 1933 accepted as
Eunotia glacialis Meister, 1912 (source of synonymy)
Eunotia indica var. gracilis Frenguelli, 1933 accepted as
Eunotia zygodon var. gracilis Hustedt in Schmidt et al., 1913 (source of synonymy)
Eunotia luna var. aequalis f. paucistriata J.Frenguelli accepted as
Eunotia deficiens D. Metzeltin, H. Lange-Bertalot & F. García-Rodríguez, 2005 (source of synonymy)
Eunotia manguinites VanLandingham, 1969 (original description)
Eunotia naegelii var. africana (Cholnoky) VanLandingham, 1969 (new combination reference)
Eunotia neocaledonia VanLandingham, 1969 (original description)
Eunotia triconfusa S.L.VanLandingham accepted as
Eunotia attenuata Patrick, 1940 (new combination reference)
Eunotia vanheurckii var. densestriata (Østrup) VanLand., 1969 accepted as
Eunotia faba var. densestriata Østrup, 1910 (new combination reference)
Eunotia vanheurckii var. nipponica Skvortzow, 1969 (original description)
Eupodiscus coronatus (Brun) VanLandingham, 1969 (new combination reference)
Eupodiscus mendosus VanLandingham, 1969 (original description)