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Krasske, G. (1939). Zur Kieselalgenflora Südchiles. Archiv für Hydrobiologie und Planktonkunde, Stuttgart , 35(3): 349-468, tafs 10-15
Krasske, G.
Zur Kieselalgenflora Südchiles
Archiv für Hydrobiologie und Planktonkunde, Stuttgart
35(3): 349-468, tafs 10-15
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2017-03-13 11:28:02Z
2024-11-14 14:22:03Z

Achnanthes exigua f. angustirostrata Krasske, 1939 (original description)
Achnanthes holstii var. schwabei Krasske, 1939 (original description)
Achnanthes incognita Krasske, 1939 accepted as Psammothidium incognitum (Krasske) Van de Vijver, 2002 (original description)
Achnanthes lapidosa f. chilensis Krasske, 1939 (original description)
Achnanthes mollis Krasske, 1939 (original description)
Achnanthes schwabei Krasske, 1939 accepted as Planothidium schwabei (Krasske) H. Lange-Bertalot in U. Rumrich, H. Lange-Bertalot & M. Rumrich, 2000 (original description)
Amphora polita Krasske, 1939 (original description)
Anomoeoneis chilensis Krasske, 1939 accepted as Nupela chilensis (Krasske) Lange-Bertalot in Lange-Bertalot & Moser, 1994 (original description)
Anomoeoneis exilis var. minor Krasske, 1939 (original description)
Anomoeoneis minor Krasske, 1939 accepted as Brachysira minor (Krasske) H. Lange-Bertalot, 1994 (original description)
Caloneis clevei var. undulata Krasske, 1939 accepted as Caloneis undulatiformis H. Lange-Bertalot & Reichardt in U. Rumrich, H. Lange-Bertalot & M. Rumrich, 2000 (original description)
Caloneis variabilis Krasske, 1939 (original description)
Ceratoneis arcus f. recta (Cleve) Krasske, 1939 accepted as Fragilaria arcus var. recta Cleve, 1898 (new combination reference)
Ceratoneis arcus var. recta (Cleve) Krasske, 1939 accepted as Fragilaria arcus var. recta Cleve, 1898 (new combination reference)
Ceratoneis chilensis Krasske, 1939 accepted as Hannaea chilensis (Krasske) Kulikovskiy, 2008 (original description)
Cymbella difficilis Krasske, 1939 accepted as Encyonopsis difficilis (Krasske) Krammer, 1997 (original description)
Cymbella polita Krasske, 1939 (original description)
Cymbella tristis Krasske, 1939 accepted as Encyonema triste (Krasske) Krammer, 1997 (original description)
Eunotia insociabilis Krasske, 1939 (original description)
Eunotia muscicola Krasske, 1939 (original description)
Eunotia pyramidata f. arcuata Krasske, 1939 (original description)
Eunotia pyramidata f. monodon Krasske, 1939 (original description)
Eunotia pyramidata var. ventralis Krasske, 1939 (original description)
Eunotia schwabei Krasske, 1939 (original description)
Eunotia tecta G.Krasske, 1939 (original description)
Fragilaria similis Krasske, 1939 (original description)
Frustulia bicornis Krasske, 1939 (original description)
Frustulia constricta Krasske, 1939 (original description)
Gomphonema obscurum Krasske, 1939 accepted as Gomphonemopsis obscura (Krasske) Lange-Bertalot, 1996 (original description)
Gomphonema patagonicum Krasske, 1939 (original description)
Lecohuia martinii (Krasske) Lange-Bertalot & U.Rumrich, 2000 (original description)
Melosira hustedtii Krasske, 1939 (original description)
Navicula dulcis Krasske, 1939 (original description)
Navicula formicata Krasske, 1939 (original description)
Navicula inexplorata Krasske, 1939 accepted as Witkowskia inexplorata (Krasske) Kulikovskiy, Glushchenko, Mironov & Kociolek, 2024 (original description)
Navicula lenzi Krasske, 1939 (original description)
Navicula martini Krasske, 1939 accepted as Lecohuia martinii (Krasske) Lange-Bertalot & U.Rumrich, 2000 (original description)
Navicula martinii Krasske, 1939 accepted as Lecohuia martinii (Krasske) Lange-Bertalot & U.Rumrich, 2000 (original description)
Navicula obstinata Krasske, 1939 (original description)
Navicula pseudocari Krasske, 1939 (original description)
Navicula ruttneri var. chilensis Krasske, 1939 accepted as Sellaphora chilensis (G.Krasske) C.E.Wetzel, 2015 (original description)
Navicula schwabei Krasske, 1939 (original description)
Navicula stolida Krasske, 1939 accepted as Achnanthes stolida (Krasske) Krasske, 1949 (original description)
Navicula subinvicta Krasske, 1939 accepted as Nupela subinvicta (Krasske) Lange-Bertalot in Lange-Bertalot & Moser, 1994 (original description)
Navicula submuscicola Krasske, 1939 (original description)
Navicula tabellariaeformis Krasske, 1939 accepted as Humidophila tabellariaeformis (Krasske) Lowe, Kociolek, Johansen, Van de Vijver, Lange-Bertalot & Kopalová, 2014 (original description)
Navicula tenuis Krasske, 1939 accepted as Adlafia tenuis Van de Vijver & Goeyers, 2019 (original description)
Navicula tristis Krasske, 1939 accepted as Nupela tristis (Krasske) Lange-Bertalot in Lange-Bertalot & Moser, 1994 (original description)
Navicula urbana Krasske, 1939 accepted as Veigaludwigia urbana (Krasske) Lange-Bertalot & U.Rumrich, 2007 (original description)
Navicula ventralis var. chilensis Krasske, 1939 accepted as Sellaphora ventralochilensis C.E. Wetzel & Ector, 2015 (original description)
Navicula willeri Krasske, 1939 (original description)
Nitzschia martini Krasske, 1939 (original description)
Opephora parva (Grunow) Krasske, 1939 accepted as Sceptroneis marina var. parva Grunow, 1881 (new combination reference)
Pinnularia incognita G.Krasske, 1939 (original description)
Pinnularia insociabilis G.Krasske, 1939 (original description)
Pinnularia martini f. capitata Krasske, 1939 (original description)
Pinnularia martini f. elliptica Krasske, 1939 (original description)
Pinnularia martini f. martini Krasske, 1939 (original description)
Pinnularia schwabei Krasske, 1939 accepted as Pulchellophycus schwabei (Krasske) Edlund & M.J.Wynne, 2019 (original description)
Pinnularia similis sensu Krasske, 1939 (original description)
Surirella bidentata Krasske, 1939 (original description)
Surirella pseudolinearis var. constricta Krasske, 1939 (original description)
Surirella pseudolinearis var. pseudolinearis Krasske, 1939 (original description)
Tetracyclus ellipticus f. chilensis Krasske, 1939 accepted as Tetracyclus krasskei D.M.Williams, 2014 (original description)
Chile Central for Nitzschia martini Krasske, 1939 
Chile Central for Pinnularia martini f. martini Krasske, 1939 
Chile South for Achnanthes exigua f. angustirostrata Krasske, 1939 
Chile South for Achnanthes incognita Krasske, 1939 
Chile South for Achnanthes lapidosa f. chilensis Krasske, 1939 
Chile South for Achnanthes mollis Krasske, 1939 
Chile South for Achnanthes schwabei Krasske, 1939 
Chile South for Achnanthes stolida (Krasske) Krasske, 1949 
Chile South for Amphora polita Krasske, 1939 
Chile South for Anomoeoneis chilensis Krasske, 1939 
Chile South for Anomoeoneis minor Krasske, 1939 
Chile South for Caloneis clevei var. undulata Krasske, 1939 
Chile South for Caloneis variabilis Krasske, 1939 
Chile South for Ceratoneis chilensis Krasske, 1939 
Chile South for Cymbella difficilis Krasske, 1939 
Chile South for Cymbella difficilis Krasske, 1939 
Chile South for Cymbella polita Krasske, 1939 
Chile South for Cymbella tristis Krasske, 1939 
Chile South for Eunotia insociabilis Krasske, 1939 
Chile South for Eunotia muscicola Krasske, 1939 
Chile South for Eunotia pyramidata f. arcuata Krasske, 1939 
Chile South for Eunotia pyramidata f. monodon Krasske, 1939 
Chile South for Eunotia pyramidata var. ventralis Krasske, 1939 
Chile South for Eunotia schwabei Krasske, 1939 
Chile South for Eunotia tecta G.Krasske, 1939 
Chile South for Fragilaria similis Krasske, 1939 
Chile South for Frustulia bicornis Krasske, 1939 
Chile South for Frustulia constricta Krasske, 1939 
Chile South for Gomphonema obscurum Krasske, 1939 
Chile South for Gomphonema patagonicum Krasske, 1939 
Chile South for Melosira hustedtii Krasske, 1939 
Chile South for Navicula formicata Krasske, 1939 
Chile South for Navicula inexplorata Krasske, 1939 
Chile South for Navicula martinii Krasske, 1939 
Chile South for Navicula pseudocari Krasske, 1939 
Chile South for Navicula ruttneri var. chilensis Krasske, 1939 
Chile South for Navicula stolida Krasske, 1939 
Chile South for Navicula subinvicta Krasske, 1939 
Chile South for Navicula submuscicola Krasske, 1939 
Chile South for Navicula tabellariaeformis Krasske, 1939 
Chile South for Navicula tenuis Krasske, 1939 
Chile South for Navicula urbana Krasske, 1939 
Chile South for Navicula ventralis var. chilensis Krasske, 1939 
Chile South for Pinnularia incognita G.Krasske, 1939 
Chile South for Pinnularia insociabilis G.Krasske, 1939 
Chile South for Pinnularia martini f. capitata Krasske, 1939 
Chile South for Pinnularia martini f. elliptica Krasske, 1939 
Chile South for Pinnularia schwabei Krasske, 1939 
Chile South for Surirella bidentata Krasske, 1939 
Chile South for Surirella pseudolinearis var. constricta Krasske, 1939 
Chile South for Surirella pseudolinearis var. pseudolinearis Krasske, 1939 
Chile South for Tetracyclus ellipticus f. chilensis Krasske, 1939 
Lectotype KASSEL Coll. Krasske - D III 113 (Chile), geounit Chile South, identified as Surirella bidentata Krasske, 1939
Lectotype KASSEL Coll. Krasske - D III 134 (Chile), geounit Chile South, identified as Pinnularia martini f. capitata Krasske, 1939
Lectotype KASSEL Coll. Krasske - D III 134 (Chile), geounit Chile South, identified as Pinnularia martini f. elliptica Krasske, 1939
Syntype KASSEL Coll. Krasske - D III 138, geounit Chile South, identified as Cymbella difficilis Krasske, 1939
Lectotype KASSEL Coll. Krasske - D III 138 (Chile), geounit Chile South, identified as Eunotia muscicola Krasske, 1939
Lectotype KASSEL Coll. Krasske - D III 138 (Chile), geounit Chile South, identified as Surirella pseudolinearis var. constricta Krasske, 1939
Lectotype KASSEL Coll. Krasske - D III 138 (Chile), geounit Chile South, identified as Surirella pseudolinearis var. pseudolinearis Krasske, 1939
Lectotype KASSEL Coll. Krasske - D III 156 (Chile), geounit Chile South, identified as Achnanthes mollis Krasske, 1939
Lectotype KASSEL Coll. Krasske - D III 157 (Chile), geounit Chile South, identified as Caloneis variabilis Krasske, 1939
Lectotype KASSEL Coll. Krasske - D III 16 (Chile), geounit Chile South, identified as Navicula submuscicola Krasske, 1939
Syntype KASSEL Coll. Krasske - D III 162 , geounit Chile South, identified as Cymbella difficilis Krasske, 1939
Holotype KASSEL Coll. Krasske - D III 163 (Chile), geounit Chile South, identified as Navicula tenuis Krasske, 1939
Lectotype KASSEL Coll. Krasske - D III 163 (Chile), geounit Chile South, identified as Pinnularia schwabei Krasske, 1939
Syntype KASSEL Coll. Krasske - D III 163 , geounit Chile South, identified as Cymbella difficilis Krasske, 1939
Lectotype KASSEL Coll. Krasske - D III 164 (Chile), geounit Chile South, identified as Eunotia tecta G.Krasske, 1939
Syntype KASSEL Coll. Krasske - D III 164 , geounit Chile South, identified as Cymbella difficilis Krasske, 1939
Syntype KASSEL Coll. Krasske - D III 165 , geounit Chile South, identified as Cymbella difficilis Krasske, 1939
Lectotype KASSEL Coll. Krasske - D III 166 (Chile), geounit Chile South, identified as Eunotia schwabei Krasske, 1939
Syntype KASSEL Coll. Krasske - D III 166 , geounit Chile South, identified as Cymbella difficilis Krasske, 1939
Lectotype KASSEL Coll. Krasske - D III 169 (Chile), geounit Chile South, identified as Gomphonema patagonicum Krasske, 1939
Lectotype KASSEL Coll. Krasske - D III 169 (Chile), geounit Chile South, identified as Navicula inexplorata Krasske, 1939
Lectotype KASSEL Coll. Krasske - D III 176 (Chile), geounit Chile South, identified as Fragilaria similis Krasske, 1939
Lectotype KASSEL Coll. Krasske - D III 177 (Chile), geounit Chile South, identified as Navicula martinii Krasske, 1939
Lectotype KASSEL Coll. Krasske - D III 189, geounit Chile South, identified as Achnanthes lapidosa f. chilensis Krasske, 1939
Lectotype KASSEL Coll. Krasske - D III 189 (Chile), geounit Chile South, identified as Navicula pseudocari Krasske, 1939
Lectotype KASSEL Coll. Krasske - D III 189 (Chile), geounit Chile South, identified as Navicula stolida Krasske, 1939
Paralectotype KASSEL Coll. Krasske - D III 190 (Chile), geounit Chile South, identified as Tetracyclus ellipticus f. chilensis Krasske, 1939
Paralectotype KASSEL Coll. Krasske - D III 191 (Chile), geounit Chile South, identified as Tetracyclus ellipticus f. chilensis Krasske, 1939
Lectotype KASSEL Coll. Krasske - D III 202 (Chile), geounit Chile South, identified as Achnanthes incognita Krasske, 1939
Lectotype KASSEL Coll. Krasske - D III 210 (Chile), geounit Chile South, identified as Eunotia pyramidata f. arcuata Krasske, 1939
Lectotype KASSEL Coll. Krasske - D III 210 (Chile), geounit Chile South, identified as Eunotia pyramidata f. monodon Krasske, 1939
Lectotype KASSEL Coll. Krasske - D III 210 (Chile), geounit Chile South, identified as Eunotia pyramidata var. ventralis Krasske, 1939
Lectotype KASSEL Coll. Krasske - D III 219 (Chile), geounit Chile South, identified as Anomoeoneis chilensis Krasske, 1939
Holotype KASSEL Coll. Krasske - D III 219 (Chile), geounit Chile South, identified as Frustulia constricta Krasske, 1939
Lectotype Coll. Krasske - D III 22 (Chile), geounit Chile South, identified as Ceratoneis chilensis Krasske, 1939
Holotype KASSEL Coll. Krasske - D III 221 (Chile), geounit Chile South, identified as Pinnularia incognita G.Krasske, 1939
Lectotype KASSEL Coll. Krasske - D III 221 (Chile), geounit Chile South, identified as Navicula subinvicta Krasske, 1939
Lectotype KASSEL Coll. Krasske - D III 231, geounit Chile South, identified as Melosira hustedtii Krasske, 1939
Lectotype KASSEL Coll. Krasske - D III 233 (Chile), geounit Chile South, identified as Cymbella tristis Krasske, 1939
Lectotype KASSEL Coll. Krasske - D III 246 (Chile), geounit Chile South, identified as Amphora polita Krasske, 1939
Lectotype KASSEL Coll. Krasske - D III 246 (Chile), geounit Chile South, identified as Navicula formicata Krasske, 1939
Lectotype KASSEL Coll. Krasske - D III 246 (Chile), geounit Chile South, identified as Gomphonema obscurum Krasske, 1939
Lectotype KASSEL Coll. Krasske - D III 246 (Chile), geounit Chile South, identified as Achnanthes schwabei Krasske, 1939
Holotype KASSEL Coll. Krasske - D III 251 (Chile), geounit Chile South, identified as Frustulia bicornis Krasske, 1939
Holotype KASSEL Coll. Krasske - D III 251 (Chile), geounit Chile South, identified as Pinnularia insociabilis G.Krasske, 1939
Lectotype KASSEL Coll. Krasske - D III 286 , geounit Chile South, identified as Navicula ruttneri var. chilensis Krasske, 1939
Lectotype KASSEL Coll. Krasske - D III 3 (Chile), geounit Chile Central, identified as Pinnularia martini f. martini Krasske, 1939
Lectotype KASSEL Coll. Krasske - D III 7 (Chile), geounit Chile Central, identified as Nitzschia martini Krasske, 1939
Lectotype KASSEL Coll. Krasske - D III 87 (Chile), geounit Chile South, identified as Navicula ventralis var. chilensis Krasske, 1939
Holotype KASSEL Coll. Krasske - D III 91 (Chile), geounit Chile South, identified as Eunotia insociabilis Krasske, 1939
Lectotype KASSEL Coll.Krasske - D III 168 (Chile), geounit Chile South, identified as Cymbella polita Krasske, 1939
Lectotype KASSEL D III 156 (Chile), geounit Chile South, identified as Navicula tabellariaeformis Krasske, 1939
Lectotype KASSEL D III 170 (Chile), geounit Chile South, identified as Achnanthes exigua f. angustirostrata Krasske, 1939
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