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DiatomBase source details

Patrick, R.M. & Reimer, C.W. (1975). The diatoms of the United States exclusive of Alaska and Hawaii. Volume 2. Part 2. Entomoneidaceae, Cymbellaceae, Gomphonemaceae, Epithemiaceae. Monographs of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia., 13: 213 pp., 28 pls.
Patrick, R.M. & Reimer, C.W.
The diatoms of the United States exclusive of Alaska and Hawaii. Volume 2. Part 2. Entomoneidaceae, Cymbellaceae, Gomphonemaceae, Epithemiaceae
Monographs of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia.
13: 213 pp., 28 pls.
RIS (EndNote, Reference Manager, ProCite, RefWorks)
BibTex (BibDesk, LaTeX)
2017-03-13 11:28:02Z

Amphora sabiniana Reimer, 1975 (original description)
Cymbella mexicana var. janischii (A.Schmidt) Reimer, 1975 † accepted as Cocconema janischii Schmidt in Schmidt et al., 1881 † (new combination reference)
Cymbella microcephala var. crassa Reimer, 1975 (original description)
Cymbella minuta f. latens (Krasske) C.W.Reimer, 1975 accepted as Cymbella latens Krasske, 1937 (new combination reference)
Cymbella minuta var. pseudogracilis (Cholnoky) Reimer, 1975 accepted as Cymbella turgida var. pseudogracilis Cholnoky, 1958 (new combination reference)
Cymbella minuta var. silesiaca (Bleisch) Reimer, 1975 accepted as Cymbella silesiaca Bleisch, 1864 (new combination reference)
Cymbella muelleri f. ventricosa (Tempère & Peragallo) Reimer, 1975 accepted as Encyonema turgidum var. ventricosa Tempère & Peragallo, 1889-1895 (new combination reference)
Cymbella prostrata var. auerswaldii (Rabenhorst) Reimer, 1975 accepted as Encyonema auerswaldii Rabenhorst, 1853 (new combination reference)
Cymbella proxima Reimer, 1975 (original description)
Cymbella proxima f. gravida Reimer, 1975 (original description)
Cymbella sinuata f. antiqua (Grunow) Reimer, 1975 accepted as Cymbella abnormis var. antiqua Grunow, 1882 (new combination reference)
Cymbella subaequalis f. krasskei (Foged) Reimer, 1975 accepted as Cymbella obtusa f. krasskei Foged, 1953 (new combination reference)
Entomoneis alata (Ehrenberg) Ehrenberg, 1845 (new combination reference)
Entomoneis costata (Hustedt) Reimer, 1975 (new combination reference)
Entomoneis ornata (Bailey) Reimer, 1975 (new combination reference)
Entomoneis paludosa (W.Smith) Reimer, 1975 (new combination reference)
Entomoneis pulchra (Bailey) Reimer, 1975 (new combination reference)
Entomoneis robusta (McCall) Reimer, 1975 (new combination reference)
Epithemia adnata var. minor (Peragallo & Héribaud-Joseph) R.M.Patrick, 1975 accepted as Epithemia zebra var. minor M.Peragallo & Héribaud-Joseph, 1893 (new combination reference)
Epithemia adnata var. porcellus (Kützing) Patrick, 1975 accepted as Epithemia porcellus Kützing, 1844 (new combination reference)
Epithemia adnata var. proboscidea (Kützing) Hendey, 1954 accepted as Epithemia proboscidea Kützing, 1844 (new combination reference)
Epithemia adnata var. proboscidea (Kützing) R.M. Patrick in Patrick & Reimer, 1975 (new combination reference)
Epithemia adnata var. saxonica (Kützing) R.M.Patrick, 1975 accepted as Epithemia saxonica Kützing, 1844 (new combination reference)
Gomphonema angustatum var. citera (M.H.Hohn & J.Hellerman) R.M.Patrick, 1975 (new combination reference)
Gomphonema grunowii R.M.Patrick & Reimer, 1975 (original description)
Gomphonema truncatum var. elongata (M.Peragallo & Héribaud-Joseph) R.M.Patrick, 1975 accepted as Gomphonema constrictum var. elongata M.Peragallo & Héribaud-Joseph, 1893 (new combination reference)
Gomphonema truncatum var. turgidum (Ehrenberg) R.M.Patrick, 1975 (new combination reference)
Plagiotropis lepidoptera var. proboscidea (Cleve) Reimer, 1975 accepted as Tropidoneis lepidoptera var. proboscidea Cleve, 1894 (new combination reference)
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