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DiatomBase source details

Mereschkowsky, C. (1902). Liste des Diatomées de la mer Noire. Scripta Botanica (Botanisheskia Zapiski). St. Petersburg, 19: 51-88.
Mereschkowsky, C.
Liste des Diatomées de la mer Noire.
Scripta Botanica (Botanisheskia Zapiski). St. Petersburg
19: 51-88.
RIS (EndNote, Reference Manager, ProCite, RefWorks)
BibTex (BibDesk, LaTeX)
2017-03-13 11:28:02Z

Achnanthidium brevipes var. biareolatum Mereschkowsky, 1902 (original description)
Achnanthidium brevipes var. seriatum (Agardh) Mereschkowsky, 1902 accepted as Achnanthes seriata C.Agardh, 1827 (new combination reference)
Achnanthidium cocconeiforme Mereschkowsky, 1902 (original description)
Achnanthidium obliquum Mereschkowsky, 1902 (original description)
Amphiprora alata var. pontica Mereschkowsky, 1902 (original description)
Amphora commutata var. constricta Mereschkowsky, 1902 (original description)
Amphora gobii Mereschkowsky, 1902 (original description)
Amphora laevis var. producta Mereschkowsky, 1902 (original description)
Amphoropsis pontica Mereschkowsky, 1901 (original description)
Auricula quadrangulata var. sebastopolensis Mereschkowsky, 1902 (original description)
Auricula spicula Mereschkowsky, 1902 (original description)
Auricula stauroneis var. gracilis Mereschkowsky, 1902 (original description)
Caloneis permagna f. parva Mereschkowsky, 1902 (original description)
Cerataulina velifera Mereschkowsky, 1902 (original description)
Chaetoceros bottnicus var. didyma Mereschkowsky, 1902 (original description)
Chaetoceros peruvianum f. mediterraneus Mereschkowsky, 1902 (original description)
Chaetoceros ponticus Mereschkowsky, 1902 (original description)
Cocconeis costata var. parva Mereschkowsky, 1902 (original description)
Cocconeis scutellum var. intermedia Mereschkowsky, 1902 (original description)
Cocconeis sigmacrux Mereschkowsky, 1902 (original description)
Coscinodiscus monodon Mereschkowsky, 1902-1903 (original description)
Diploneis chersonensis var. apis Mereschkowsky, 1902 (original description)
Epithemia gibba var. semilonga Mereschkowsky, 1902 (original description)
Fragilaria coccochromatica Mereschkowsky, 1902 (original description)
Grammatophora angulosa sensu Mereschkowsky, 1902 (original description)
Gyrosigma contortum Mereschkowsky, 1902 (original description)
Libellus reticulatus Mereschkowsky, 1902 (original description)
Navicula beketowii Mereschkowsky, 1902 (original description)
Nitzschia incolor Mereschkowsky, 1902 (original description)
Rhizosolenia delicatula Mereschkowsky, 1902 (original description)
Thalassionema A. Grunow ex C. Mereschkowsky, 1902 (original description)
Thalassionema nitzschioides (Grunow) Mereschkowsky, 1902 (new combination reference)
Thalassionema nitzschioides var. curvata (Castracane) Mereschkowsky, 1902 accepted as Thalassiothrix curvata Castracane, 1886 (new combination reference)
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