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Muylaert, K.; Sabbe, K. (1999). Spring phytoplankton assemblages in and around the maximum turbidity zone of the estuaries of the Elbe (Germany), the Schelde (Belgium/The Netherlands) and the Gironde (France).
J. Mar. Syst. 22
: 133-149
2013-01-12 18:30:12Z
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Taxa (39)
Distributions (67)
Asterionella formosa
Hassall, 1850
(basis of record)
Asterionella glacialis
Castracane, 1886
(basis of record)
Asterionella kariana
Grunow, 1880
(basis of record)
Aulacoseira ambigua
(Grunow) Simonsen, 1979
(basis of record)
Aulacoseira granulata
(Ehrenberg) Simonsen, 1979
(basis of record)
Biddulphia mobiliensis
(J.W.Bailey) Grunow, 1882
accepted as
Trieres mobiliensis
(J.W.Bailey) Ashworth & E.C.Theriot in Ashworth, Nakov & E.C.Theiriot, 2013
(basis of record)
Biddulphia sinensis
Greville, 1866
(basis of record)
Chaetoceros mitra
(Bailey) Cleve, 1896
accepted as
Dicladia mitra
J.W.Bailey, 1856 †
(basis of record)
Cocconeis placentula
Ehrenberg, 1838
(basis of record)
Coscinodiscus commutatus
Grunow, 1884
accepted as
Coscinodiscopsis commutata
(Grunow) E.A.Sar & I.Sunesen, 2008
(basis of record)
Coscinodiscus nodulifer
A.W.F.Schmidt, 1878
represented as
Azpeitia nodulifera
(A.W.F.Schmidt) G.A.Fryxell & P.A.Sims, 1986
(basis of record)
Cyclotella atomus var. atomus
accepted as
Cyclotella atomus
Hustedt, 1937
(basis of record)
Cyclotella cryptica
Reimann, Lewin & Guillard, 1963
(basis of record)
Cyclotella pseudostelligera
Hustedt, 1939
(basis of record)
Cyclotella radiosa
(Grunow) Lemmermann, 1900
accepted as
Cyclotella comta var. radiosa
Grunow in Van Heurck, 1882
(basis of record)
Diatoma tenuis
C.Agardh, 1812
(basis of record)
Diploneis interrupta
(Kützing) Cleve, 1894
accepted as
Navicula interrupta var. interrupta
Kützing, 1844
(basis of record)
Ditylum brightwellii
(T.West) Grunow, 1885
(basis of record)
Epithemia turgida
(Ehrenberg) Kützing, 1844
accepted as
Navicula turgida
Ehrenberg, 1830
(basis of record)
Fragilaria ulna
(Nitzsch) Lange-Bertalot, 1980
accepted as
Bacillaria ulna
Nitzsch, 1817
(basis of record)
Gyrosigma acuminatum
(Kützing) Rabenhorst, 1853
(basis of record)
Gyrosigma attenuatum
(Kützing) Rabenhorst, 1853
(basis of record)
Melosira nummuloides
C.Agardh, 1824
accepted as
Melosira discigera
Agardh, 1824
(basis of record)
Melosira varians
C.Agardh, 1827
(basis of record)
Odontella aurita
(Lyngbye) C.Agardh, 1832
(basis of record)
Odontella rostrata
(Hustedt) Simonsen, 1987
accepted as
Biddulphia rostrata var. rostrata
Hustedt, 1939
(basis of record)
Paralia sulcata
(Ehrenberg) Cleve, 1873
(basis of record)
Plagiogrammopsis vanheurckii
(Grunow) Hasle, von Stosch & Syvertsen, 1983
accepted as
Plagiogramma vanheurckii
Grunow, 1881
(basis of record)
Rhaphoneis amphiceros
(Ehrenberg) Ehrenberg, 1844
(basis of record)
Rhizosolenia hebetata f. semispina
(Hensen) Gran, 1908
accepted as
Rhizosolenia semispina
Hensen, 1887
(basis of record)
Stauroneis phoenicenteron
(Nitzsch) Ehrenberg, 1843
(basis of record)
Stephanodiscus hantzschii
Grunow, 1880
(basis of record)
Stephanodiscus medius
Håkansson, 1986
(basis of record)
Stephanodiscus niagarae
Ehrenberg, 1845
(basis of record)
Stephanodiscus parvus
Stoermer & Håkansson, 1984
(basis of record)
Surirella crumena
Brébisson ex Kützing, 1849
(basis of record)
Surirella gemma
Ehrenberg, 1839
accepted as
Petrodictyon gemma
(Ehrenberg) D.G.Mann, 1990
accepted as
Surirella gemma f. gemma
Ehrenberg, 1840
(basis of record)
Surirella ovalis
Brébisson, 1838
(basis of record)
Thalassionema nitzschioides
(Grunow) Mereschkowsky, 1902
(basis of record)
Scheldt estuary for
Actinocyclus normanii
(Gregory) Hustedt, 1957
Scheldt estuary for
Actinoptychus senarius
(Ehrenberg) Ehrenberg, 1843
Scheldt estuary for
Actinoptychus splendens
(Shadbolt) Ralfs ex Pritchard, 1861
Scheldt estuary for
Asterionella formosa
Hassall, 1850
Scheldt estuary for
Asterionella kariana
Grunow, 1880
Scheldt estuary for
Aulacoseira ambigua
(Grunow) Simonsen, 1979
Scheldt estuary for
Aulacoseira granulata
(Ehrenberg) Simonsen, 1979
Scheldt estuary for
Biddulphia mobiliensis
(J.W.Bailey) Grunow, 1882
Scheldt estuary for
Biddulphia sinensis
Greville, 1866
Scheldt estuary for
Chaetoceros mitra
(Bailey) Cleve, 1896
Scheldt estuary for
Cocconeis placentula
Ehrenberg, 1838
Scheldt estuary for
Coscinodiscus commutatus
Grunow, 1884
Scheldt estuary for
Coscinodiscus concinnus
W.Smith, 1856
Scheldt estuary for
Coscinodiscus nodulifer
A.W.F.Schmidt, 1878
Scheldt estuary for
Cyclotella atomus var. atomus
Scheldt estuary for
Cyclotella choctawhatcheeana
Prasad, 1990
Scheldt estuary for
Cyclotella cryptica
Reimann, Lewin & Guillard, 1963
Scheldt estuary for
Cyclotella meneghiniana
Kützing, 1844
Scheldt estuary for
Cyclotella pseudostelligera
Hustedt, 1939
Scheldt estuary for
Cyclotella radiosa
(Grunow) Lemmermann, 1900
Scheldt estuary for
Cyclotella striata
(Kützing) Grunow, 1880
Scheldt estuary for
Cylindrotheca closterium
(Ehrenberg) Reimann & J.C.Lewin, 1964
Scheldt estuary for
Cymatopleura solea
(Brébisson) W.Smith, 1851
Scheldt estuary for
Cymatosira belgica
Grunow, 1881
Scheldt estuary for
Diatoma tenuis
C.Agardh, 1812
Scheldt estuary for
Diploneis interrupta
(Kützing) Cleve, 1894
Scheldt estuary for
Ditylum brightwellii
(T.West) Grunow, 1885
Scheldt estuary for
Epithemia turgida
(Ehrenberg) Kützing, 1844
Scheldt estuary for
Fragilaria ulna
(Nitzsch) Lange-Bertalot, 1980
Scheldt estuary for
Gyrosigma acuminatum
(Kützing) Rabenhorst, 1853
Scheldt estuary for
Gyrosigma attenuatum
(Kützing) Rabenhorst, 1853
Scheldt estuary for
Leptocylindrus minimus
Gran, 1915
Scheldt estuary for
Melosira nummuloides
C.Agardh, 1824
Scheldt estuary for
Melosira varians
C.Agardh, 1827
Scheldt estuary for
Nitzschia acicularis
(Kützing) W.Smith, 1853
Scheldt estuary for
Nitzschia navicularis
(Brébisson) Grunow, 1880
Scheldt estuary for
Odontella aurita
(Lyngbye) C.Agardh, 1832
Scheldt estuary for
Odontella rostrata
(Hustedt) Simonsen, 1987
Scheldt estuary for
Paralia sulcata
(Ehrenberg) Cleve, 1873
Scheldt estuary for
Plagiogrammopsis vanheurckii
(Grunow) Hasle, von Stosch & Syvertsen, 1983
Scheldt estuary for
Podosira stelligera
(Bailey) A.Mann, 1907
Scheldt estuary for
Rhaphoneis amphiceros
(Ehrenberg) Ehrenberg, 1844
Scheldt estuary for
Rhizosolenia hebetata f. semispina
(Hensen) Gran, 1908
Scheldt estuary for
Skeletonema costatum
(Greville) Cleve, 1873
Scheldt estuary for
Skeletonema subsalsum
(Cleve-Euler) Bethge, 1928
Scheldt estuary for
Stauroneis phoenicenteron
(Nitzsch) Ehrenberg, 1843
Scheldt estuary for
Stephanodiscus hantzschii
Grunow, 1880
Scheldt estuary for
Stephanodiscus medius
Håkansson, 1986
Scheldt estuary for
Stephanodiscus niagarae
Ehrenberg, 1845
Scheldt estuary for
Stephanodiscus parvus
Stoermer & Håkansson, 1984
Scheldt estuary for
Surirella crumena
Brébisson ex Kützing, 1849
Scheldt estuary for
Surirella gemma
Ehrenberg, 1839
Scheldt estuary for
Surirella ovalis
Brébisson, 1838
Scheldt estuary for
Thalassiocyclus lucens
(Hustedt) Håkansson & Mahood, 1993
Scheldt estuary for
Thalassionema nitzschioides
(Grunow) Mereschkowsky, 1902
Scheldt estuary for
Thalassiosira angulata
(W.Gregory) Hasle, 1978
Scheldt estuary for
Thalassiosira anguste-lineata
(A.Schmidt) G.Fryxell & Hasle, 1977
Scheldt estuary for
Thalassiosira eccentrica
(Ehrenberg) Cleve, 1904
Scheldt estuary for
Thalassiosira hendeyi
Hasle & G.Fryxell, 1977
Scheldt estuary for
Thalassiosira minima
Gaarder, 1951
Scheldt estuary for
Thalassiosira nodulolineata
(Hendey) Hasle & Fryxell, 1977
Scheldt estuary for
Thalassiosira nordenskioeldii
Cleve, 1873
Scheldt estuary for
Thalassiosira pacifica
Gran & Angst, 1931
Scheldt estuary for
Thalassiosira proschkinae
Makarova, 1979
Scheldt estuary for
Thalassiosira pseudonana
Hasle & Heimdal, 1970
Scheldt estuary for
Thalassiosira punctigera
(Castracane) Hasle, 1983
Scheldt estuary for
Thalassiosira rotula
Meunier, 1910
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