Greville, 1865 in Hällfors (2004) [details]
(Hornemann) Brébisson, 1838 in Hällfors (2004). [details]
(Gregory) Grunow in Van Heurck, 1880 in Hällfors (2004) [details]
Navicula lanceolata (Kützing) Van Heurck, 1885 is considered as a synonym of Navicula phyllepta Nec Navicula ... [details]
(Nitzsch) W. Smith 1853 in Hällfors (2004) [details]
Grunow in Cleve & Grunow, 1880 in Hällfors (2004) [details]
(Kützing) Grunow,1862 in Hällfors (2004) [details]
(Gregory) Kuntze, 1898 in Hällfors (2004) [details]
Mentioned as Bailey, 1856 in Hällfors (2004) [details]
(Kützing) Hustedt, 1932 in Hällfors (2004). [details]
Identified as Achnanthes brevipes variety parvula in Hällfors (2004) [details]
The authors are uncertain about the variety [details]
Referred to as Biddulphia rhombus variety trigona Cleve ex Van Heurck, 1882, and as Biddulphia rhombus forma ... [details]
The authors are uncertain about the variety [details]
According to Hällfors,Cyclotella caspiaauct., is Cyclotella choctawatcheeana [details]
The authors identify Cyclotella kuetzingiana auct. as Cyclotella krammeri Håkansson, 1990 [details]
The authors identifyCyclotella melosiroides (Kirchner) Lemmermann, 1900 as Cyclotella comensis Grunow in Van ... [details]
non Conferva nummuloides Dillwyn, 1809 [details]
Refferred to as Navicula (Pinnularia) didyma Ehrenberg, 1841 [details]
Refferred to as Stauroneis legumen ß biundulata [details]
Stephanodiscus binderanus α östrupi (Cleve-Euler) Cleve-Euler 1951, referred to as a synonym of Stephanodiscus ... [details]
The authors are uncertain about the Genus [details]
Hällfors (2004) identify Streptotheca Shrubsole, 1891 as Helicotheca Ricard, 1987 [details]
The authors (Hällfors, 2004; Tomas, 1997) are uncertain about the Genus [details]
Non Thalassiosira hyperborea variety septentrionalis (Grunow) Hasle, 1989 [details]
Also spelled as Achnanthes exigua heterovalvata [details]
Spelled as Actinocyclus octonarius octonarius [details]
Spelled as Bacillaria paxillifera in Hällfors (2004) and Tomas (1997) [details]
Spelled as Chaetoceros boreale brightwellii [details]
Spelled as Chaetoceros boreale densa [details]
Spelled as Chaetoceros ceratosporus ceratosporus [details]
Also spelled as Coscinodiscus excentricus [details]
Spelled as Diatoma vulgaris var. capitulata [details]
Spelled as Diatoma vulgaris var. ovalis [details]
Spelled as Diatoma vulgaris var. producta [details]
Spelled as Gomphonema gracile in Hällfors (2004). [details]
Spelled as Melosira juergensii in Hällfors (2004) [details]
Spelled as Melosira lyrata v. Biseriata [details]
Spelled as Melosira moniliformis in Hällfors, G. (2004). [details]
Spelled as Odontella mobiliensis in Hällfors (2004) [details]
Spelled as Orthosira marina in Hällfors (2004) and Tomas (1997) [details]
Amphiprora hyalina Greville, 1865 is considered to be the basionym to Thalassiophysa hyalina (Greville) Paddock & ... [details]
Fragilaria capitata (Ehrenberg) Lange-Bertalot, 1980 is considered as a synonym to Synedra capitata [details]
Fragilaria fasciculata (C.A. Agardh) Lange-Bertalot, 1980 p.p. is also considered a synonym to Tabularia tabulata [details]
Gomphonema abbreviatum Kützing, 1833 is considered as a synonym to Gomphonema grovei v. lingulatum. [details]
Unproven [details]
Nitzschia constricta (Kützing) Ralfs in Pritchard, 1861 is considered a synonym to Tryblionella apiculata. [details]
Unproven [details]
Synedra affinis auct. is considered as a synonym to Tabularia tabulata [details]